Take Our Online Hearing Test Take our hearing test online and we will get back to you with our recommendations. Your Name* Your Email* Phone Date of Birth Street Address City Post Code Do you sometimes have difficulty understanding speech on the TV? YesNo Do you sometimes feel that music on the TV is lot louder than the Dialogue? YesNo Do you sometimes feel that people are mumbling and need to speak clearly? YesNo Do you find yourself asking people to speak up or repeat themselves? YesNo Do you experience difficulty understanding speech when a person walks away from you? YesNo Do you experience difficulty understanding grandchildren? YesNo Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in a crowded room? YesNo Do you have ringing or hissing noise in your ears or head? YesNo Do you think your memory is not as good as it used to be? YesNo Did you have any hearing/ screening test in the past? YesNo Δ Book a Hearing TestBOOK NOWFREE Hearing AidsSpecial Offer for PensionersFIND OUT HOW TO REDEEM THIS OFFER